What Is a Woman

There was a time when the answer to this question was a matter of simple scientific biology. And I don’t have to go into details because everyone on the planet knew. Now there are a growing number of people who want to ignore facts and make up their own definitions of who they are or are not.

A Google search this morning told me there are 72 genders currently – not counting how many may be added in the days ahead, and all will need new designations other than the simple “he” and “she”. And I’ve been told people can change their minds, making gender fluid and/or changeable. All of which leaves me very confused. In the years ahead, I think there will be many very confused people who won’t know what and who they are.

I am a woman. My husband is a man. Together we made three additional human beings (babies) who grew up, met a member of the opposite sex, and made more babies, male and female. Praise God!
Now I hear there are “significant others”. I’m not sure what that means. Significant in what way? Significant can mean somewhat important. Does that mean when things get tough in a relationship, the significant other can become insignificant? A sort of “I’ll stick around until someone more ‘significant’ comes along”?
Life is never easy. Especially when complications are invented. Or engineered.

There was a time in my childhood when I wanted to be a boy. Boys had more freedom! The phase didn’t last long. Probably about the time I learned to ride a bicycle. Amazing how wheels can expand your horizons! Boys had more opportunities, but that was changing. By the time I entered college, “women’s lib” was in full gear. Women of today can now become like the woman in Proverbs 31. She rocks! Talk about a superwoman!

But now women are supposed to be called “persons”. Excuse me. “Person” is too… impersonal. Please don’t try to box me into some gigantic, nebulous “personhood”.

I rejoice in being a woman. I was made so that I could conceive, nurture within my body to full term and deliver three precious human beings into the arms of their father, a participant from the beginning, witness of the process and ready to be the first to hold our son, daughter, son. Did you know a mother’s milk is uniquely composed “formula” according to the child’s sex? It’s different for a boy than a girl. Pretty cool! From conception to birth — miracle upon miracle!

I love what I am — a woman fearfully and wonderfully made by God.