The Truth About Pregnancy Counseling Centers

False information is being promoted by the government and media about medical centers that give care to pregnant women in crisis. They are often called pregnancy clinics and care centers – pccs. I have visited many across our country and am a strong supporter of our local pregnancy medical and care center.

Our local PMC is a licensed medical clinic in the State of California. They have licensed medical providers on staff and as volunteers. A nurse or doctor with extensive training in prenatal ultrasounds performs the ultrasounds. The center does not provide birth control or give referrals to an abortion clinic, but they do give information on all options. All the information gathered from clients is confidential and kept under HIPPA guidelines. It is not shared. They provide FREE comprehensive prenatal care. They offer FREE educational classes to equip and enrich the client’s journey in parenting, finances, relationships and more. Clients can “earn” (by class attendance) essential nursery equipment which the center provides FREE of charge. They also have a FREE boutique for clothing, diapers, formula and more for clients. The staff and volunteers offer non-judgmental, confidential, compassionate service.

PMCs are funded 100% by donors. They receive NO government funding, and they do not profit in any way from a client. They genuinely care about every person who walks through their door.

The word CHOICE means there are options from which to choose. In an abortion clinic, only one choice is offered: abortion. That is not PRO choice. That is ONE choice. Pregnancy medical and care centers offer options other than abortion. When in crisis, it’s important to put emotion aside and investigate all the other choices available before making a life-changing decision. If you are facing a crisis pregnancy, please call your local PMC and ask as many questions as you want. Visit the facility and talk to the staff and volunteers. No one will pressure you into making a quick decision that may affect the rest of your life. Take time, gather fact-based information, and then make a choice based on knowledge rather than fear or outside pressures.

With loving support, an unplanned pregnancy does not have to remain a crisis. It can become what God intends every life to be: a blessing.