Let the People Speak

This is the heading for editorial letters in our local newspaper, but so far, I have not been able to get a (200 word) pro-life letter published. Therefore, because I believe what’s happening here in my home state of California is a foreshadowing of what could happen elsewhere, I am speaking out where I can.

California is attempting to pass Proposition 1 that, in Governor Gavin Newsom’s words, will “enshrine” a woman’s right to abortion. He claims women are “under attack” and this is about “freedom”. Words often cloak deception. In truth, California already has guaranteed a woman’s right to choose to end her pre-born child’s life. This bill will override current law and permanently allow (force) tax-payer-funded late-term abortions without limit. The language is so broad and unrestrictive, it could easily lead to including abortion at birth and even to passive infanticide. The new rhetoric of some pro-choice advocates is that a person isn’t really a person until they are of an age to engage in activities, i.e., to communicate or move independently.

This reasoning chills me.

Is abortion now contraception? Is it easier to take a life than prevent the starting of one? Is indifference toward the unborn seeping into decisions to close children’s hospitals? The facilities aren’t making enough money. The abortion industry is flush.

Anyone who has read history can make the connection on how things progressed in Germany. Predatory people always dehumanize their victims. They refuse to acknowledge the humanity of the soul. If abortion without limit and possible passive infanticide becomes “enshrined” as permanent law here, will it spread across the country, as leaders in California hope? Who will be next? Elderly stroke victims, Alzheimer’s patients, the mentally ill, terminally ill patients? Those who are considered too old to have “quality of life”? Will this reasoning eventually lead to the homeless “solution”? I am not the first to observe that the most dangerous place on the planet right now is in the womb of an American woman.

This flood of women in crisis seeking to end the lives of their unborn children breaks my heart and grieves my soul. It angers me to see the push to increase regulations on pregnancy counseling centers who offer prenatal care and alternatives like adoption, while decreasing regulations on abortion clinics which already have fewer regulations than a hair salon. Those of us who follow science, God and conscience and acknowledge the “pre-born” as human beings must speak up. The Declaration of Independence declares human rights come from God and include the right to live.

Please consider this issue carefully and with compassion. And if you want to see the plan of action already in place here, I encourage you to read the California Future of Abortion Council (December 2021) report online. If Proposition 1 passes, it is only the beginning of what pro-choice advocates intend for this state, and hope will be a blueprint for others.