Sound of Freedom

What we don’t know can present a danger to our children. I served as an alternate juror on the Don Kimball case some years ago. While other priests faithfully served their people, this priest secretly preyed on vulnerable young women. Though he was found guilty, he was later released by a higher court due to “statute of limitations”. Because of that court’s decision, 200 other pedophiles were released from California prisons. Where are they now?

The recent movie, “The Sound of Freedom”, has made many people more aware of sex trafficking. Praise God for that! But how informed are you about what is happening in your country, in your state, your hometown, and your neighborhood? Trafficking isn’t the only danger to your children. So, too, are sexual predators.

My daughter, Shannon, wrote a recent blog on one of the most important jobs of any parent. Please read it and take it to heart. Your children’s safety is vitally important. Take proper precautions.

“As parents, our first and most important job is to protect our children. One of the ways to do that is to be aware of who our neighbors are.
If you’ve watched the movie Sound of Freedom, you have an idea of how horrible child trafficking is. The movie doesn’t show the true horror of it because it wouldn’t make it to the big screen if they did – but it gives you a glimpse. And it doesn’t only happen in other countries.

Violence against children is not limited to trafficking. Child pornography, molestation, and worse happen on a daily basis all over the world. In order to protect our children, we must be persistent and consistent in observing their environment and with whom they come into contact with.

When my children were growing up, I lived in California, and checked the Megan’s Law website somewhat frequently to make sure I knew of registered sex offenders in our area. I wanted to know their faces so I could make sure they were never anywhere near my children.

Different states have their own websites for the registries, but the simplest way to check your area is through The United States Department of Justice website at .

We must be our children’s advocates. We must be aware of dangers to them, whether near or far. If we don’t keep them safe, who will?”