Her Daughter’s Dream

Tomorrow is a big day for me.  The second half of Marta’s Legacy – Her Daughter’s Dream — will be released and the rest of the family saga will be told through the eyes of Hildemara’s daughter, Carolyn, and Carolyn’s daughter, May Flower Dawn.  Marta, of course, is still a central influence in the continuing story.  Rick and I will be heading east for a book tour that will begin in Birmingham, Alabama and end with a family visit in North Carolina.  (I’ve never met these relatives, and can hardly wait!)

It took three years of hard work to write this family saga, and I enjoyed the journey.  Though fictional characters, Marta and Hildemara bear a strong resemblance to my grandma and mom.  Carolyn and May Flower Dawn are fully themselves, though I’ve woven snippets of my life and what I observed in my daughter’s generation. 

I hope you will love all four women and find valuable lessons from their lives.